“April-joy has the rare ability to leave you buzzing and empowered from engaging with her passionate, skilled presentations yet also feeling you have just met your wisest best friend for coffee and left with a 'best life action plan' in your pocket.”
Dr. Laura Wood
Many individuals are promoted due to excellent skill in an area or great work ethic and commitment, however lots often find themselves in positions of management without the skills to manage teams or lacking the confidence in leading others. Many get to“sticking points” in their careers and need an external coach to enable them to move forward, unstick themselves and develop. In order for some to progress and excel they need coaching to enable them to see more clearly, work on areas for improvement and have a clear plan for the goals and tasks ahead. What ever the need is for a coach – here are the clearly outlined purposes, reasons and benefits to coaching with accredited coach April-Joy.
To equip management with the tools, knowledge and opportunities they need to fully develop themselves to be effective in their commitment to themselves, their company and their work.
Through personal and professional development coaching encourages individuals to leverage strengths and abilities for maximum performance, enabling them to better manage themselves, their teams and their work.
Sessions create space for “coachable moments” within a safe and non judgmental environment, enabling time for reflection and a shift in mindset as well as behaviour.
While management deals with supervision, evaluation and meeting objectives, coaching deals with personal development, growth and achievement by removing roadblocks to performance, enhancing creativity and adjusting and resetting mindsets.
Alongside training offered regularly to managers – coaching is the next step on from training; where training is one event, coaching is the process by which the learnings are out worked, understood and embedded with support and guidance along the way.
Each individual will have regular sessions ( length to be confirmed with organisation) where they build a trusting relationship with the coach and begin to explore their development, their goals, their limiting beliefs and behaviours associated with them and the actions needed to move forward and become the best version of them self.
Books and inspirational videos will be recommended to watch alongside sessions, as individuals become responsible for their own development and growth. Actions will be set for development and moving forward and these will be talked about in the following session.
Using models such as the GROW Model
Goals – What do you want to achieve?
Reality – What have you done so far? What are the results?
Options – What alternatives are available?
Way Forward – What are you going to do
The Benefits
Coaching supports retention across the organisation. Developing individuals results in more committed and motivated staff, which in turn filters down through teams and lifts morale and confidence in management.
Coaching supports diversity – recognising each employee’s uniqueness, which builds incredibly strong teams with different strengths and abilities confidently working alongside each other with a united purpose.
Improved decision making – building the confidence of managers allows them to think clearer and more focused, allowing for better, more informed decision making with better long term outcomes.
Greater self awareness – intentionally carving out time to self analyse and talk through areas of struggle and areas of strength, as well as good questioning from the coach can help the employee to see things from a different perspective, give them insight into their behaviours and effectively move towards change and improvement.
“I genuinely LOVE to serve people who are set on improving themselves. Nothing thrills me more than seeing them go from strength to strength and achieve goals they never dreamt of.”
- April Joy